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A member registered Sep 17, 2015

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Don't listen to Cheetorh he is a troll who likes to pick on MLorely and her work.

The art is clearly in Amy of Darkness's signature style based on MLorely's original designs. Almost no one does the hair textures the way AoD does, certainly not cheetor who can't even photoshop a watermark competently. He is just annoyed MLoreley got a sweet artist to work with her.

Also this is a visual novel. If MLorely can take art from another project and rewrite a totally different, sweet and original story around it that would be crazy impressive. Stealing visual novel art isn't like dropping in a stolen mario sprite in an app game, it would actually be way, way harder to steal art and try to write around it than to make something original.

But I tell you what Cheetypoo if you want to impress why don't you draw the character with a chainsaw and prove you can actually do digital art in this know, on your computer which can't even run photoshop. Hah! ;)